Principal's Message *
Mrs. Neiman
Principal's Message
I am both excited and honored to welcome each and every one of you to the 2024-2025 school year at Township Elementary School. I am extremely proud to serve as the Principal of this amazing learning community for the 14th year and to continue to support the students, staff, and families at Township. This school year brings the promise of dedication, focus, and energy to the mission of teaching and learning. The entire staff at Township is dedicated to promoting academic excellence. We are here to support all of you, by any means necessary, to ensure each child reaches their fullest academic potential. We look forward to working with you, our parents and the members of the community, to provide a high-quality education.
Our primary goals will be to ensure student proficiency in core academic subjects, strong social emotional growth, as well as improved campus behavior. We will continue our mission to make sure ALL students learn at high levels. This will be accomplished through strong Tier 1 instruction, leveled instruction at all grade levels, and analyzing data to guide instruction and intervention/enrichment. We will work together to create a solid foundation for all students so that they have the opportunity to become self-directed learners, collaborative teammates, critical thinkers, and responsible citizens.
Working together with our families and our community, we will push your children to great heights. We are so pleased to be able to welcome parent volunteers to help out in classrooms and/or at home, accompany classes on field trips, become active members of our PTA, or volunteer at special events. When your child sees you helping out, they will know that you take their education seriously. This has a positive impact on how they view their own education.
As always, my door is open and our team welcomes your input. Please feel free to email me at or call at (805) 520-6770 any time with questions. Again, welcome to the new school year. It’s going to be an amazing one!
Yours truly,
Lori Neiman